Sunday, September 20, 2009


I am a note
on a piece of paper
hanged till death

You are a note
floating in the air
free from the grips
of life or death

And in between
are empty spaces


Anonymous said...

abbe yaar, to the solution is easy na...!

the two notes can together sing and hear the connecting space in between that you call 'empty'.
and be in a state of celebration.

Kafir said...

yeah sure :)

btw it wasnt intended to ask for solution form readers. so jus read n enjoy...

Anonymous said...

"Some notes are better left incomplete...sans music"...right?
But then thats true about some stories also..
Ye saare "some" ka sum results in a huge number :(

Anonymous said...

I was not suggesting any solution, i was just being myself.

the character in your poem seemed to be in pain, and I couldn't help sending him some wishes

in any case, its a wonderful work of art that you have; today I chose to read out some of your poems to some of my friends.